Editorial marketing best practices to advertise our digital magazine

Editorial marketing best practices to advertise our digital magazine


In the digital publishing sector, creating a digital magazine is not enough. No matter how good our product is, we have to advertise it to guarantee it reaches as many people as possible. This way, editorial marketing is a great ally: it helps us to easily spread our publications.

In order to properly promote our digital publications, we have to develop a thorough marketing strategy and follow it step by step. Those actions bring us closer to the achievement of our objectives. Do not underestimate the advantages we could obtain by following these tips… Are you ready to create successful digital publications?


The 6 editorial marketing techniques for digital magazines


  1. A plugin to design


This is essential: a quality product is always easier to promote. This is why we should guarantee our digital magazine is attractive for users. We don’t need to have advanced knowledges of any kind to develop a product that satisfies user’s needs. A plugin to design is a great tool to get a fantastic product avoiding complex software.


  1. Auto publication


A big editorial or a huge company are not compulsory requisites to reach success. Nowadays, all we need to get the best results is within our reach. Social Media, email or our website are essential tools to successfully spread our magazine.


  1. Quid pro quo


We should internalize this Latin principle: if we want to receive something, we must give something. While an acquisition process, we must provide something to users so that after they buy us. We can promote some gift product together with our magazine -may be through a sponsor-, we can create offers regarding subscriptions, or offering free content… There is a wide range of ways to gain users for our magazine. Nevertheless, before taking this step, we must consider what we can offer them in return.


  1. The mirror of success


We can get some inspiration from other successful digital publications. In no case to copy what they do but to inspire ourselves and get ideas of trends in digital publications that are currently working in order to apply them to our product with our personal improvements.


  1. Creativity


La originalidad y la creatividad es algo que los usuarios valoran positivamente, e incluso sin darse cuenta. Las imágenes, los textos o los vídeos que hacemos y compartimos deben estar alineados con nuestra revista digital y deben suscitar atracción en los consumidores.


  1. Valued content


The topics and the specialization field of our magazine are really important. If the content of our magazines doesn’t provide valued or interesting content to a big number of persons, promoting it will be a waste of time and money. The topics that better work are the current tones, or those that require a specific degree of specialization, which transmit liveliness and freshness.

Do not forget to consolidate the brand of your digital magazine. Your corporate image is built through each publication, each communicative act and each corporative decision.

These best practices regarding editorial marketing for digital magazines will guide us to properly promote our product using the best tools and techniques to get readers’ attention. A digital magazine is a great resource, but a digital magazine implemented with editorial marketing techniques is even better.


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Trends in design and creation of magazines and digital publications

creation of digital publications by Büttonpublish


With no doubt, creation of digital publications is a rising trend. However, traditional magazines are still important in Spain. It is common from time to time the appearance of new publications that, in their majority, transform and adapt to the new times.

The new tendencies regarding graphic design of magazines have a remarkable importance when establishing the basic guidelines to configure new publications. We could say, then, that design and creation of magazines should be always together in order to get successful publications.

Among all this wide range of changes and innovations, valuable resources and tools for users have emerged. Those tools make creation of digital publications available to everyone. This is the case of designing plugins, which do not require advanced knowledge, but they provide an unbeatable result. In fact, they offer different options in order to let publications to come to life.

It is important to note the publishing sector, which has changed, is changing and will keep changing. In the next few years, this sector will not remain unmoved against the great diversity of changes that are taking place in the way users consume publications. Both thematic magazines – those of history, society, technology or youth – and business journals are adopting new trends that we can’t ignore.


10 trends in creation of digital publications


  1. The importance of colour


Colour has an especial role in the new magazines: all the sections shine with brighter colours and with greater clarity in the photographs.


  1. Decrease of text volume


One of the largest trends is the presence of more visual content, which also means the less text.

Pictures are more and more important, and text is losing space in the pages.


  1. Accurate information


It is a trend strongly related to the previous one. Since texts are shorter, they must be more precise regarding the information that they want to provide. Pages with long texts are history.


  1. Computer graphics


Graphic design has allowed the incorporation of certain trends in magazines, such as infographics. They are very useful to explain or visualize some facts or statistics while also presenting data, assessments or opinions.


  1. Illustrations


Computer graphics are not the only newness: illustrations provide an artistic touch to publications. Nowadays, they are a recurrent resource.


  1. Less use of Photoshop


Naturalness, spontaneity and presenting reality without filters are objectives pursued by current publications. Photoshop and photo retouching are enemies of this, so its use is decreasing; even more so when we are retouching pictures of people.


  1. Variety of typographies


Using different typographies and colours to separate sections or topics in the same page is a good option. It eases readability and it makes it more dynamic.


  1. Minimalistic front pages


Simpler front pages are replacing old elaborated ones: big photos with few texts are the trendiest right now.


  1. Multilanguage


Publishing the same article in double-page in two different languages is also a newness, especially in sectorial magazines. Additionally, it is a good saving measure.


  1. Self-promotion


In recent years, magazines have also been conceived as a promotional channel to visualize the services or the different portals of the company: the web, social networks, the blog … If the own company doesn’t do it, who will?

If we are developing a digital publication, we should establish the goals of a digital magazine. Do we want to inform or to entertain? Each decision we take should have a justification that responds to the requirements of our publication. Every detail counts!


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Digitize your company’s reports with digital publications


Accounting reports, the annual balance or the budgets for the next fiscal years are essential documents within a company, especially when closing the current calendar year. Months of September and October are usually used for preparation.

This kind of reports are not easy to elaborate or share with the public: the density of the content makes it difficult to generate interest enough to be completely read by potential investors, contests for grants or by the company’s employees. A situation that any company should try to change.

Power Point or Microsoft Word are the most recurrent formats because of their widespread use and because they are presumably simple to use. However, they are inefficient options for these tasks: they are obsolete, and they provide poor usability and limited functions compared to other creative tools.

If our intention is to communicate data and corporate information in a dynamic and attractive way, we can use a plugin to design: it does not require programming knowledge, it adapts perfectly to the channels that users use daily, and its format guarantees an easy and quick spread.

A tool for digital publications for companies is a practical resource that ensures your reports to call the attention of the people you want to read them. The design and data take form: you can include interactive effects that will improve usability and user experience.


3 reasons to use a tool for digital publications for companies


  1. Quality


The most recurrent formats for preparing reports for a company are not the best option neither to be printed nor to be displayed on devices. The design offered by other formats is not only more optimal, but also compatible with a long list of devices that greatly promote the dissemination of content.


  1. Design


Any work, report or detail is part of the image of a company, which is one of its main assets. Brand image is built through different issues: from its corporate social responsibility actions to the quality and design of the presentations. If we use a format that does not allow a great variety of options to create content, add images or other resources, it will be impossible to obtain a result with the highest quality.


  1. Interactivity


When we think about an annual report or any kind of report, we are not thinking about attractive documents, but this perception can be changed. A long document, extensive and with many details could be more interesting and attractive using the right tool. The reader and his reading will appreciate if you apply some principles of interactive design.

Do not hesitate to create your next report with the firm objective of being read or consulted in the future: all company work should be focused to meet these objectives.

Successful publications with digital content in 2018 are not made with Power Point or Word since they have been relegated to other documents or presentations with different functionality. Creating attractive corporate content is now easier than ever.


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