Combining different formats of digital content in a Marketing strategy


While preparing a content marketing strategy, we should have in mind all content formats available in order to choose the ones that provide best results to our company and audience.

At first, it is important to note that the same as every planning for digital publications, we should set a goal. According to Inbound Marketing methodology, we should identify leads’ (people who form our database because they previously provided us their contact information) location within the purchase funnel, which is the process followed by users that become our customers.

This is the moment when the company has the chance to educate users about the specific issue, help them by providing solutions or explaining how our company can solve it. After that, the company choose among the different formats to successfully transmit our message.

Marketing strategies favour user-company relationship when they include relevant and valuable formats of digital content that attract our target. Discover on the following paragraphs the most used formats.

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