5 animations to make your digital magazine interactive

The best 5 animations to make your digital magazine interactive at this time

If you have decided to create digital publications in order to adapt your business to the new digital requirements… Congratulations! We are completely sure you won’t regret this new decision.

Now is the moment to work, research tools, designs, downloads and animations for digital magazines. As you may know, in Button Publish Site you can find several free downloads you can use to give your publications a digital touch.

Here we present 5 animations to provide your digital magazine interactive an interesting content format which is attractive to your public.


Scroll animations

When we talk about animations in web design, apps or digital magazines, scrolling ones are a must. When we use these kind of animations (even the simplest ones), interactivity feeling increases.

Scrolling is not just movement of the content displayed on the screen made by users – through a simple movement of fingers in case of touchscreens.

Despite it is a simple animation, users feel a lot of power when they can move and scroll content. This way, scrolling provides a great added value to our digital magazine.

Furthermore, these interactive effects can be improved if we use a well-known effect called “parallax”: a parallel animation that come with us while we scroll through the screen. It can be also used to show a message in a permanent way.



Another available animation to improve interactivity is slideshow. It is a kind of slides or content presentation, either by text or pictures.

With slideshow we can develop a speech while the user goes from a content to another. For example, we can explain heavy going information in an alternative way to make it more manageable.

Additionally, we can also save layout and design space.


Audio in magazines? Yes!

Who would imagine some years ago a magazine with audio? We should take advantage of technology progress to entertain users and make them feel content is not only a matter of sight or touch, but a much more complete experience.

Any case, we should always remember to provide the option to deactivate audio. Our reader can be in a place where sound is not welcome, or he has any headphones close by.



Advances in offline world are continuously reflected in online environment, specially when we talk about digital publications. First, there were black & white pictures; later, color arrived; and now, the picture that goes together with the article comes alive: video, pictures in movement.

The same as audio, video increases greatly interactivity in digital magazines. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand pictures!



At last, but not least, there is an effect we are used to use in our computers: zoom.

With this option, we can see pictures and texts in a better way, so we can detect all those aspects that we could miss in a first view.

If we want this animation to be successful, our pictures should have good resolution. This way, pictures won’t be so pixeled when we zoom them.


Take note of these 5 animations and apply them when creating digital publications to make them come alive.

Remember you can download them for free from our download page.


Download Buttonpublish and start giving life to your digital magazines

The best planning when creating attractive digital publications

Make more easy and effective create digital publications


Digital publications are here to stay. If we compare them with traditional methods, we only find advantages: lower costs, better adaptation to the new user profile and easier spreading.

When creating digital publications, not all plans are correct. It is a process with great impact in the success of the final product. Therefore, it requires special attention.

Creation of digital magazines, blogs or digital apps have become the perfect tool for businesses to reach their potential customers. At the same time, these customers can use it to create interest groups or to communicate with people around. Though traditional publications won’t completely disappear, true is that they will lose part of their importance.

If you want to create a surprising digital publication but you don’t know how to start, take a look to these steps to develop a good planning and achieve your goal.


Create digital publications successfully


Design your idea


There are more types of publications besides digital magazines: interactive catalogs, brochures, corporate statements, training for employees… don’t follow the multitude. Just develop your project idea being aware of all the opportunities you have and keeping in mind the success possibilities of digital content.

Determine your target


When we start to create a digital publication, we need to fix short-term goals and reach them. Slowly but continuously. First of all, we have to think about our target, because this people is who will consume and interact with our publication. Knowing the profile of people who will receive our project is really helpful to design an attractive publication in order to meet their requirements. Don’t create a unidirectional talk; suggest new ideas and concepts, make your target part of this conversation.


Choose the best platform


E-books, blogs, apps, magazines… they are not the same at all. We should work with a platform that makes possible getting the best results and the best content management. A tool for digital publications we can use with no programming knowledge could be a suitable decision. We should also be aware of the different devices that will be used to consume our publication -Android, iOS or browsers. This way, we can develop an attractive design for every case.


Feedback and first impressions


It is not part of the planning phase in a strict way, but is completely necessary. Once our project is on the track or even finished, we need to know users experience. Feedback will be essential to take the right steps when making decisions or changes in order to get better results. Users impression about our product is even more important when we try to monetize our digital content. These times, we take the risk of being invasive.

These are the four phases you should embrace to create an attractive digital publication. It is really important to stay faithful to yourself and to the brand that represents our project. But don’t forget that users are the ones who tip the balance. They decide if they want to consume your content or not.


Download Buttonpublish and start giving life to your digital magazines