Key actions of Content Marketing you can apply in your publication strategy

content marketing advantages


The Internet is full of advertising and users have developed the ability to ignore the ads that appear while they surf the web. That is why advertising and marketing techniques have evolved to attract the attention of customers.

This way, a company that wants to impact potential customers won’t be happy if they invest in ads that not only fail to arouse users, but they can’t even remember.

Content marketing emerges as a differentiating factor among the intense competition we find on the Internet. Why? The reason is clear as water. It is an effective technique for customer acquisition and loyalty based on the creation of useful and valuable content for users, such as articles, videos or computer graphics.

This technique tries to move away from the idea of ​​just selling a product or service. Users want something in exchange for buying: information, advice, entertainment… The goal of content marketing is to provide information that attract potential customers in multiple ways in order to build loyalty to the company while we generate interest around what we sell.

If the project we have in mind is the creation of a digital publication, we must also use content marketing, as well as a plugin to design that allows us easily provide our product the desired to generate an attractive feeling to our readers.

In the next paragraphs, we offer a series of details about content marketing that we should include in the strategy of our digital publication. Take note of everything you can earn!


Content marketing: advantages and advices


  1. SEO


It is important that our website is updated frequently because Google search engines give prominence to sites with recurrent publications. This way, if we want to position ourselves in the first places of Google’s ranking, we should give priority to content.


  1. More traffic


More content means better positioning, which will make it easier to generate more traffic.


  1. More customers


If we get a larger volume of visitors on our website, it is easier for them to consume our digital publication and / or become customers.


  1. Better reputation


If the contents we create generate interest among users, they will value our company even more.


  1. Competition


Content marketing will differentiate you from the competition and will position you as a specialist in the sector.


  1. Customers loyalty


Customers value companies that try to satisfy their needs and build a closer relationship instead of constantly trying to sell their products.


  1. Saving costs


Implementing this strategy do not generate excessive costs. Counting with qualified personnel or specialized knowledge is essential.


  1. Spreading our brand


The more content we create, the more material we can spread through the different available channels, such as social networks or email.


  1. Interacting with users


Blog posts or social networks are spots where users can comment and where we can interact with them in order to help them with any questions or doubts they could ask.


  1. Another available resource


Content marketing doesn’t impede the development of any other strategy. In fact, it can be perfectly integrated with different strategies.

Your digital publication requires different actions to be successful. Keep in mind these advices and get ready for your project to start shining.


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Interactive design: convincing users through interactivity

Examples of interactive design


An interactive publication is a concept that differs greatly from the magazines that can be found in any kiosk. Design of interactive magazines is an essential element of content marketing. This type of publication informs, educates, entertains and inspires, which are common objectives of an efficient content strategy.

When we are facing the creation of an interactive publication, it is important to rank the information we want to provide. Only then we are able to assess the interactivity we want to introduce in each section and the meaning we will give in each specific case.

The advantages of interactivity are so multiple, so we should include them in any publication we seek to be successful. Content layout, attractive colours, clickable images, videos or infographics seduce users; links or pop-up menus allow them to expand information in a simple way, in addition to sharing on social networks, send emails, fill out forms, download files, visit other websites or make comments.

It is also an easy way to generate engagement, that is, to create a stable relationship with users, adding value to what we offer. Additionally, we provide them especial treatment so that it can be returned to us in form of visits, positive comments and purchases.

The inclusion of interactivity improves user experience, so it is advisable to design our project having always in mind this principle. A plugin to design that allows to add interactivity is an essential tool to obtain everything that our publication must contain, so that our magazine comes to life. Additionally, if programming knowledge is not required, this solution is the guarantee to achieve an excellent result with the minimum effort.

Advantages and examples of interactive design


  1. User experience


The better the user experience, the more positive inputs our publication will receive, not only favouring its recurring consumption but also its recommendation to other people who may also become customers. A content that captivates users and that is considered interesting is paramount, and interactivity is a great resource to achieve it.


  1. Free promo


This is a cyclic process. If users have more and more interest in our publications because of interactivity, they will be more likely to share them on social networks or by any other means. This means free advertising.


  1. Positioning


Google rewards content that generates interest to users. Interactivity can indirectly help you climb the Google ranking while building a relationship of trust with people who consume your publications. And, as it is commonly said: if you are not visible in Google, you do not exist.

Users need compelling reasons to consume one publication instead of another. Among the different resources we can use to earn their interest, interactivity appears as a non-negotiable one. We can easily convince them, we just need to have a tool for interactive designs.


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