Glossary of terms related to digital publication world


Digital publications also have their own language. In the world of digital edition, we find a lot of concepts that we need to understand in order to have a correct and wide knowledge in this field. It is not strange that non-specialized media confuse the meaning of this terminology. This way, they cause an incorrect extended use of concepts.

A great majority of words come from English language, which may be a reason for this obvious confusion when it comes to interpret their meaning. For sure, if we master the technical language of a sector we will be more competent, and we will be able to obtain better results.

This way, the usage of the best tools is also a plus that allow us to improve the quality of our digital publications. A plugin for layout that allows us to edit in a simple way but providing a differentiating factor from other publications is always a golden opportunity.

So, now that we know the elementary principles of editorial layout, we will approach a set of basic terms whose original meaning has been blurred. Are you ready?


Digital publications: definition of basic concepts


  1. E-book


Here we do not refer to the hardware, but to the content. We are designating the book presented in a certain format. When we speak of ebook we must refer to a work in an electronic format.


  1. E-reader


It is the hardware that is used to read the ebooks. In other words, the used device. The terms ebook and e-reader are often confused.


  1. Digital Reading App


These are applications that allow us to read ebooks on smartphones, electronic tablets or computers.


  1. Smartphone


If we have not renewed our phone for a long time or we are not people who have a phone with the only aim of making calls, possibly our phone is a smartphone. A smartphone is a phone with more features than the popular ones of yesteryear: data processing, touch screen, internet, and so on. They also include reading apps that allow reading ebooks.


  1. Tablet


Electronic tablets allow us to read ebooks through digital reading apps, but also browse the internet, take photos, play games, manage our email, download applications… Perhaps the most famous tablet is the iPad, the tablet that sold by Apple. But it is not the only one. In fact, we find a large supply of tablets in the market.


  1. Phablets


This is a less used term. It is a combination between smartphone and tablet. If a smartphone has a screen greater than 5 inches, we should call it phablet.


  1. Fixed layout


This is a type of file named .epub (format that allows the reading of texts) that maintains the design and the original layout of a book.


  1. Fluid layout


It is also called liquid content due to its ability to adapt to different screen resolutions and devices.


  1. DRM


Digital Rights Management or Digital Rights Management or Digital Rights Management, which is an encrypted system based on the combination of encryption systems to establish the permitted uses of a digital work according to the rights established by the owner.


  1. Format and device


At last but not least, here we have two elementary concepts that usually generate confusion even though they refer to opposite things. The format is the different digital files with which a work can be presented (.pdf, .html, .epub, etc.) and the device is the hardware we consume the digital publication with.

This set of terms are the basis for anyone who starts in the digital sector. From now on, every time you read or listen to one of these concepts, you can discern between correct and incorrect use. We encourage you to continue deepening the specialized vocabulary of the sector!



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How to improve readers loyalty to your digital magazine?

Editorial marketing for digital magazines: gaining loyalty


The success of a digital magazine is much more than selling magazines. Industry experts point out that a quality publication is as necessary as the will of creating a community, generating a unique experience and offering content that transcends the pages of the magazine.

Innovation has a superlative importance for this task. First, the design of the publication should captivate, excite and attract the attention of readers. A plugin for designing is a helpful tool to achieve it. This tool doesn’t imply computer skills and allows us to achieve a great result without added difficulty.

The strategies followed in editorial marketing for digital magazines can be a great guide to obtain the results we expect, especially to build the loyalty of the readers of our publication. More important than capturing new users is to keep those we already have. But how can we retain the people who read us? How do we get them to read us again?


Editorial marketing for digital magazines: gaining loyalty


  1. Email Marketing


Email marketing is a very effective tool to inform about promotions, discounts or offers. Here we are talking about sending automated emails in order to retain customers, not the mass mailing of unfiltered emails in our database, generating more spam than anything else. The main objective then is to inform subscribers. It is a low-cost tool that is also easy to implement, which allows you to measure results and save time by automating certain tasks.


  1. Branding


Creating branding content is always fundamental for a brand. It is a technique that together with advertising to convey the values, idiosyncrasies and thoughts of our digital magazine. It is important to think carefully about the message we want to give, place the product on the central axis and not use aggressive sales techniques. Proximity and originality are resources that help decisively.


  1. Customer service


We must be able to quickly and effectively respond to the doubts or incidents that users ask us through the different channels we have. This way, creating social profiles and being active is essential. The attention has to be tailored: only by paying careful attention to the user we will be able to meet his expectations. There is no better publicity than a satisfied customer.


  1. Exclusive offers for readers


Users who have consumed our digital publication should feel important. They should also feel that their interests and requests are taken into account. And how do we know what they want? Pay attention to what they tell us in social networks, to the surveys and to the answers to our questions. Promotions, access to exclusive content or certain gifts can be a great idea.


  1. Satisfactory user experience


Let’s not make it difficult for readers to consume a digital publication. For example, adapting digital publications to mobile format is essential. The present and the future are in mobile devices: a digital magazine that doesn’t optimize its content for the mobile format seems a bit absurd considering the rates of use in mobile or electronic tablets.

We shouldn’t forget that keeping the readers we already have will always be easier and cheaper than getting new ones. A loyal customer is a person who won’t buy to the competition and who will be the best ambassador of our product. What more do you need to start to build loyalty among your readers?



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