Strategies to monetize your digital content without being invasive

In the new digital era, performing aggressive monetization strategies – closely linked to conventional marketing – is not a good option. User don’t want to be interrupted with promotional pop-ups while they are browsing a website or a digital publication. Today more than ever, attractive and non-intrusive publicity is the best option, especially on the Internet.

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Tips to create an interactive digital app

The boom experienced in the consumption of digital apps is now a reality we are already used to. Our mobile device becomes a body extension, it becomes part of us as an entrance door towards information and entertainment.

Also, more and more applications appear responding to the new needs and desires of the users with the aim of facilitating a task to the maximum – paying just with one click, measuring the quality level of sleep, reading a magazine or digital publications while we travel with public transport or when we have a few minutes to relax, being inspired by the photographs of a celebrity profile…

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