Press release November 14, 2017

Tips to create an interactive digital app

The boom experienced in the consumption of digital apps is now a reality we are already used to. Our mobile device becomes a body extension, it becomes part of us as an entrance door towards information and entertainment.

Also, more and more applications appear responding to the new needs and desires of the users with the aim of facilitating a task to the maximum – paying just with one click, measuring the quality level of sleep, reading a magazine or digital publications while we travel with public transport or when we have a few minutes to relax, being inspired by the photographs of a celebrity profile…

Experts and non-experts know the importance of betting on this digital change; we cannot run a marketing strategy without taking the online environment into account.

If you decided to go one step further and to bet on improving the digitalization of your company by creating an interactive digital app, here we show you five tips to make sure that your digital project succeeds.


  1. Analyze the context of your interactive digital app


Knowing correctly the environment is a good starting point where we must ask why we want to create the app and how we would like to. Digital magazines are a good digital publication tool we can design our editorial universe with, and reach our public in a more attractive, entertained and innovative way.


  1. Keep the user in mind


Users will be the driving force that will determine the success of our interactive app: they are the ones who are going to enjoy our project. An essential aspect is to know where exactly they are when they use the app so that we can understand their behavior and be able to offer a specific content. Depending on the moment, app components which require a high interaction level with the user can generate a positive or negative response. Find your own way to connect with them.


  1. Solve a problem


Beyond offering a simple, visually attractive, interactive, participatory and quality content app, to correctly satisfy the needs of the customers, our main role is to solve a problem. Thus, related to the previous point, we must understand how users think, what problems do they have in their routine and how our services can be helpful for them. Through problem solving we can generate trust and engagement.


  1. Take profit of technologies


Although many people think the digitalization process is practically an obligation in a corporate level, the truth is that this change helps us with a huge number of advantages and resources we can take profit of. A digital app is the universe the user can access with from anywhere and it gives us information we can measure to improve our service by offering the help the user really needs. There has never been so much feedback between companies and customers!

Some of the measurement parameters are the number of downloads, the number of active users (monthly or daily) and the cost per user.


  1. Upload the interactive digital app in different applications platforms


Choosing only the Android or iOS system is not a good idea. Thus, we recommend uploading the app in different mobile platforms. In the case of digital publications, Kindle Store is a brilliant option.


Extra tip:

Do not forget to promote your interactive digital app in the different communication channels you have access to such as social media, blogs, forums or your own. As a result, you will have the opportunity to reach more people.


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