Evolution of publication: from paper to digital magazines


Publications sector has suffered a considerable change during the last 10 years and had to adapt itself to digital magazines where content seems to be relevant and where it is possible to reach a higher number of new readers.

When number of blogs started to raise and raise and users realised their power to transform this virtual world in a social platform (or web 2.0) where they would be able to create and share every kind of content, their way of consuming information totally changed.

Later, when tablets made their appearance, users found a new way of access to information so much easier and comfortable.

At the same time, the emergence of smartphones, mobile devices and social media made even easier the access to contents, breaking this way with traditional printed media.

With this new scenario, the editorial world only had two options: betting on this new business model in the form of digital magazines, or just watching while the number of readers of their editions drastically decreased.

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5 powerful reasons to provide interactive mobile apps

Spain is one of the main countries in the world with a higher rate of Smartphones penetration. According to that, the mobile apps market is responding to new profiles of customers who are connected, informed and demanding.

Companies want to be part of its customers life and put themselves in the map for those who are potential. In order to have a bigger presence and be updated to this new context, mobile is the star device and together with interactive mobile apps.

Future is mobile and it’s pretty clear that adaptation to mobile formats is an obligation if we want to be updated and respond to users’ wishes and needs. But, what advantages could provide an interactive mobile app to my business? Today we talk about five reasons to offer this kind of app.

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